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March 4, 2025 11:00 am

Letters to the Editor: Shirley Morgan

Mar 4, 2025
a beautiful view of mount hood

I agree with Steve Graper’s article in the February Mt. Times regarding the importance of all homeowners making it a priority to help secure their property against wildfires. Using the Oregon Department of Forestry risk assessments, which were included in their packets sent by certified mail, is a wise option.

It is clear however that Mr. Graeper is not aware of the property value impacts that these wildfire high risk maps have created. Homeowners across Oregon are receiving non-renewal letters from their insurance companies. In my case I received a 55% increase in my annual homeowner policy, with a notation that it was being increased due to wildfire risk, all while my home is located 100 ft off of Hwy 26 and just one mile from the Hoodland Fire Department – yet my property has been tagged as a high wildfire risk. In contacting over 15 nationwide well-known insurance companies asking for a quote, they all refused to insure my property because of the designation of high wildfire risk.

While Mr. Graeper is busy trimming up his trees, I will be busy attending an appeal hearing with the Oregon Department of Forestry. I hope others who are concerned about their property values, insurance rates, and insurance availability, will file an appeal and let ODF know that this is not acceptable. March 10, 2025 is the deadline.

Shirley Morgan, Rhododendron

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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher