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February 4, 2025 9:47 am

Hoodland Community Planning Organization

Aug 1, 2024
Hoodland community planning organization logo

By Pat Erdenberger, Hoodland CPO
The Mountain Times

The goal of the Hoodland Community Planning Organization (HCPO) is to bring County information to the Hoodland community and voice our community’s concerns and ideas to the
County. HCPO is interested in hearing from all individuals within our area and from businesses that affect our mountain life.
The Hoodland CPO will have a speaker, Randy Ealy, Senior Manager in Local Government Affairs from Portland General Electric at the August 1 st Community Meeting, 7:00 pm at the Church on the Mountain in Welches. Randy will be presenting some insights and information from PGE and taking community questions as well. We look forward to this talk and interaction.
With the first hot weather behind us, each CPO in the Mt Hood Corridor is looking forward to holding a joint meeting and receiving information from the County Disaster Management
Office, implementing plans for fuel reduction, defensible space and important evacuation plans should they become necessary. This is a tall order for individuals and County Planners. No one knows when, where or how a wildfire will develop and planning is the first important step.
The Board of County Commissioners approved the updated Clackamas Community Wildfire Protection Plan on June 27, 2024. Hoodland is within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and the plan provides the groundwork for us to become engaged and provide support and input to guide the County.
The report can be found at
Please take time to look through the Table of Contents for aspects of this work that are of personal interest.
The CPO has two open spots for Board Officers and in the vote held at the August 1st Community Meeting, the three remaining Board Officers will be voted on as well.
We’ve worked hard to develop more efficient use of all Board Members’ time by parsing out the email, social media, publicity, speakers bureau, meeting minutes and treasurer tasks so that most positions will not require more than four to five hours per month when Community Meetings are held, and little to none when no meeting is planned.
You may contact us at if you have interest and want a description of duties for the two open positions, the information you need for your decision will be provided.
Please consider offering your time and talent to the Hoodland Community Planning Organization. “It Takes a Village.”

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher