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December 20, 2024 12:26 am

Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair at Clackamas Community College

Jun 1, 2024
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The Mountain Times

The community is invited to the first Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair on Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Clackamas Community College, Gregory Forum, room G103 at 19600 Molalla Ave. in Oregon City.

The Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Program serves eligible adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities that live in Clackamas County. Services may include intake and eligibility determination, service coordination, in-home support, residential services, employment services, transportation services, and protective services.

Plan to attend the Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair if…

You have a friend or a family member with an intellectual or developmental disability
You want to learn about ways to help an individual increase their physical and financial independence
You are a caregiver or services provider for someone who experiences a disability
You would like to broaden support or connections for yourself or an individual who experiences a disability
You want to want to learn about opportunities to work or volunteer to help people
Several community partners will be attending, ready to share resources and helpful information with you. There will be raffle prizes and other goodies. It will be a lot of fun! See a sample of event participants below.

Come to meet representatives from…

Advocates For Life Skills & Opportunity (ALSO)
Better Together Supports
Clackamas County CHA (Coordinated Housing Access)
Clackamas County Social Services Transportation
Community Pathways
Exceed Enterprises
Goodwill of the Columbia Willamette (GICW) Skills Training and Enrichment Program (STEP)
Inclusion, Inc.
Independence Northwest
Liv with Purpose
New Life Church
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Oregon Department of Human Services
Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center
Oregon Treasury Savings Network
Parents for Alternate Support Solutions (PASS)
Ride Connection (Ride Wise)
Sunbreak Therapy Services
Swindells Resource Center
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP)
Utility assistance, emergency preparedness supplies, and much more!

If you have questions about the Clackamas County Developmental Disabilities Resource Fair, please contact Amy Butler at
Learn more about services for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities:

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher