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February 4, 2025 3:06 am

Hoodland Women’s Club Highlights

May 1, 2024
the hoodland woman's club logo

By Cathy Lavin
The Mountain Times

Work is underway for the Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) major fundraiser of the year, a golf tournament scheduled for Thursday, August 15, at the Mt. Hood, Oregon Resort. While HWC volunteers are contacting community businesses and individuals to let them know how they can participate, members of the Hoodland community can become sponsors, donate auction and raffle items and/or be part of a golf team via the HWC website at

Donations in all forms help provide scholarships for Hoodland seniors at Sandy High School as well as support HWC’s community giving programs in the Hoodland communities it represents. HWC has been a part of our communities since 1963 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

HWC volunteers held their semi-annual road cleanup event on Tuesday, April 16, under the direction of member Anne High. Every spring and fall members pick up trash along Salmon River Road. Anne is also leading weekly crafting sessions where members create crafts to be sold at upcoming craft fairs.

Those wanting to support HWC programs and brighten their yards are also encouraged to purchase flower baskets at the club’s 14th annual sale. The florist has extended the order deadline to May 11, so there is still plenty of time to reserve baskets. Individuals can choose baskets featuring mixed flowers, million bells or petunias. Cost is $30 per basket. Orders are accepted online at TINYURL.COM/HWCFLOWERS2024 or using the QR code on the HWC Facebook page. Alternatively, individuals or businesses can print the order form available on the site and send it along with a check (be sure to note “flower baskets” on the check) to Hoodland Women’s Club, P.O. Box 52, Welches, OR 97067. Baskets will be available for pickup on Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Dorman Center parking lot across from Welches Schools off Salmon River Road.

Individuals interested in getting to know others while supporting the Hoodland area are encouraged to become HWC members. Membership dues are $25/year. Members are both full-time and part-time residents of the community. More information is available on the HWC website or by emailing

Those interested are also invited to attend one of the club’s monthly meetings. The April meeting featured HWC member and local attorney Paula Walker, who provided an overview of wills and trusts. The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on May 6 at the Kiwanis Club Camp where the speaker will be Lloyd Musser, curator for the Mt. Hood Museum and an expert on Mt. Hood’s Steiner cabins. Anyone wanting to attend who did not receive an evite can contact board members at the address listed previously.

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher