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March 4, 2025 11:00 am

Letters to the Editor: Cliff Fortune

Mar 4, 2025
a beautiful view of mount hood

My name is Cliff Fortune and I would like to request your support for the Hoodland Fire Department’s upcoming bond election for a new main station.

The current station was built in 1966 and has been added onto many times. The building as it stands has been deemed by Associated Consultants, Inc. as not seismically sound, meaning it will not survive a large earthquake. This could potentially destroy all our emergency vehicles and equipment just when we need them most. In addition, the current station does not provide sleeping quarters for our responders. Currently, our overnight responders are housed in an old “job shack” behind the station with no bathroom facilities. There are many other reasons this building is obsolete, most revolving around safety, space and future needs.

The bond would provide for a new station to be built on the “Dorman Property” across from Welches Middle School. The property is valued at approximately one million dollars and will be donated to the Fire District by Clackamas County, provided the bond is approved. This would free up the current station to be sold to offset the cost of the new station.

Some have asked why we don’t remodel the current station. The leadership has studied this question and determined that the cost of doing a remodel would nearly equal the cost of a new station and in the end we would have an inferior building that wouldn’t have the life expectancy of a new building. A large part of the expense of remodeling would be for temporary quarters while the construction occurs and remediating asbestos and other dangerous materials. These costs would add nothing to the final product.

I would appreciate your support for the bond. If you have any questions you can contact me at 971-533-3167 or call the fire station at 503-622-3256.

Thank you,
Cliff Fortune
Hoodland FD #74
Board of Directors


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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher