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February 3, 2025 6:17 pm

Hoodland Women’s Club Highlights

Feb 3, 2025

By Cathy Lavin, HWC, For The Mountain Times

On October 22, 1962, 18-year-old Dale Wedge and 19-year-old Barry Crotty were married. Two years later, the newly formed Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) hosted its first Sweetheart’s Ball. Last year, these two milestones converged when Dale (now an HWC member) and Barry were honored at the resurrected HWC Sweetheart’s Ball as the longest married couple in attendance.
Dale and Barry grew up together in Malden, Massachusetts and lived in Texas, Maryland, South Carolina and Florida. During their long careers with the National Security Agency (NSA), they were also posted to England, Italy and Hawaii. In retirement, they ultimately ended up in Welches, Oregon, to be near daughter Tracey Kays.
Dale and Barry will again be part of the 61st anniversary Sweetheart’s Ball on February 13 from 7-10 p.m. at Alpine Events in Rhododendron. The evening will feature a DJ, heavy hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The cost is $35/person. While a limited number of tickets will be available at the door, community members are encouraged to buy their tickets in advance on the HWC website ( to ensure plenty of food and beverages for everyone.
HWC is also planning to add color to the Hoodland Community this spring with its annual flower basket fundraiser. A choice of million bells, petunias or mixed flower baskets are once again available for $30 each on the HWC website. The baskets themselves will be available for pickup at the parking lot across from Welches Schools on a weekend day in May (the actual date will depend on weather and the growing season). HWC will use email to notify those who have ordered baskets of the exact date and time to pick up their flowers. The deadline for orders is April 30.
Proceeds from both the Sweetheart’s Ball and the flower basket sale support the HWC community giving fund which provides community support in the form of scholarships, community events and financial aid to help Hoodland residents meet immediate physiological needs. Details and help request forms are available on the HWC website mentioned previously. In addition, help request forms are available at the Hoodland Library, Hoodland Senior Center and Neighborhood Missions.
Work is also underway for HWC’s major fundraiser of the year: its annual golf tournament, auction and raffle. This year’s event will be earlier in the summer than in the past, so mark your calendars for June 26 to save the date and participate in the fun.
Community events are open to everyone, but HWC also regularly hosts social events open only to its members. One of these was December 17 when members rolled the dice while enjoying snacks and bubbly refreshments at its “Bunco and Bubbles” event.
New members are always welcome to become part of HWC. Those interested can join via the website (dues are just $25 per year). They can also “test drive” membership by attending one of HWC’s monthly meetings to learn more. The next meeting will be held at Ivy Bear Pizza on Tuesday, February 4 at 6 p.m.. Contact board@hoodlandwomensclub,org for details.

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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher