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March 9, 2025 12:22 pm

Mountain Matters: Early Winter Hits Mt. Hood

Jan 3, 2025
Child care volunteers

By Cathy Lavin, HWC, The Mountain Times

What could be a better holiday memory than wide eyed children meeting Santa while enjoying holiday treats and having Kyle Yan of Balloon Ninja make your favorite characters? At the Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) photos with Santa event on December 8th, participants enjoyed cookies and cocoa and posed for photos that preserved memories while Kyle made balloon figures. HWC extends a big thanks to Jan and Tom of Alpine Events for donating the site, sweets and beverages.
On November 25th, HWC hosted a childcare event when Hoodland parents were able run holiday errands while leaving their children in the care of HWC volunteers. Thanks go to the volunteers and the Welches Parent Teacher Community Organization for their help as well as to Welches Schools for providing the location.
On December 17th, HWC members can enjoy bunco games and refreshments during the club’s
members-only “Bunco and Bubbles” event. The next big HWC event will bring back an opportunity for community members to contribute to a fundraiser while dancing, dressing up and enjoying refreshments at the Sweetheart’s Ball on February 13th. That event will be catered by Busy Bee (owned by HWC member Jan Ostrom) at Alpine Events Center. The entire Hoodland community is invited to attend. Tickets are available on the HWC website (
Even though last summer’s flowers are long gone, HWC is already beginning to collect orders for its annual flower basket fundraiser. Orders can be placed on the club’s website with details and delivery dates nailed down as spring’s warmer days get closer. Those placing their orders early will receive an email with updated information about when the baskets will be available.
Both the Sweetheart’s Ball and the flower baskets support HWC’s community fund, which helps Hoodland residents meet immediate physiological needs. Details and help request forms are available on the HWC website. As an alternative, those needing help can obtain request forms at the Hoodland Library, Hoodland Senior Center and Neighborhood Missions.
Those interested in becoming HWC members can join via the website. Anyone wanting more information before joining is invited to attend one of the club’s monthly meetings to learn more. Contact for details. The next meeting will be held at Camp Arrah Wanna on Monday, January 6th.
HWC Members share their stories
When the Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) was first established in 1963, its 31 founding members saw it as an opportunity to connect with other women who shared their interests. Today, many members initially choose to join the club to meet others, but find that membership creates opportunities that extend well beyond the social activities that first drew them to HWC. While they definitely find that it helps them form friendships, they also find that HWC’s mission of “women with vision, empowering each other to achieve a better community” delivers far more.
Here are comments from some of today’s HWC members as to why they joined the club:
Barbara Avila: “The HWC offers volunteer opportunities as well as camaraderie. I quickly made friendships and feel like I contribute to our incredible community. Every day, I am in awe of the way this community comes together and shows up for each other in times of sorrow and celebration. The HWC has proven to be a perfect way to engage with others in a meaningful and heartfelt way.”
Dale Crotty: “My husband and I moved to Welches to be closer to our daughter. She mentioned HWC to me and had a friend introduce me as a way to meet new friends and give back to the community. There are several great groups that support the community and I love being part of them.”
Bonnie Hayman: “We retired to Welches 13 years ago because we love the forest and my allergies are better here. Shortly after, a dear friend invited me to join. The group was so friendly and welcoming that I didn’t hesitate. I am so happy to be able to help the community and I have made some wonderful friends.”
Debra Himes: “As we were getting settled in the community and I was retiring, I wanted to find some women who enjoy hiking. I quickly realized that there was a strong community service theme happening along with many activities. The HWC helps keep this mountain community alive and well.”
Julie LaZar: “When I first moved here full time, I was eager to find both a meaningful and social connection with the community. I noticed posts from HWC about its activities/causes on social media and decided the club seemed like a great start to becoming rooted in the area.”
Darnelle London: “After settling in Welches, I attended an arts and crafts and wine tasting fair at The Resort.” (There, Darnelle learned about the club at the HWC booth and was invited to attend its next meeting.) “At the meeting, I felt welcomed and met new friends who have become old friends. I recommend that anyone new to the area join the club to meet new people. An added positive is the many ways the club connects you to activities in the community.”

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher