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March 6, 2025 12:37 pm

Hoodland Women’s Club Highlights

Nov 4, 2024
The hoodland woman's club pose for a group selfie

By Cathy Lavin, HWC, The Mountain Times

The Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) ushered in fall with several activities and events beginning with a candle making class for members only on September 21. That was followed on October 15 with the club’s twice yearly Adopt-A-Road activity when members cleaned up a two-mile stretch of Salmon River Road. Next up was HWC’s Spooky Ball and costume party on October 24. Club members ended the month supporting the community’s annual Spooky Alley event, an opportunity for children and teens to gather in a safe environment to collect goodies, play games and show off their costumes.
A centerpiece making class on November 16 is the next activity open for HWC members. In addition, the club’s crafting group will showcase its work at the November 30-December 1 Holiday Fair at the Resort at Mt. Hood, Oregon. It’s not too soon to make sure HWC’s Photos with Santa and its 2025 Sweetheart’s Ball are on community members’ calendars.
Photos with Santa is open to all ages and is scheduled for Sunday, December 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Alpine Events Center in Rhododendron. Tickets are available on the HWC website ( and include options for both photos and brunch.
The Sweetheart’s Ball on February 13 from 7-10 p.m., also at Alpine Events Center, builds on the 2024 dance that has its roots in one of HWC’s earliest events 60 years ago. It is open to individuals and couples 21 and over. Tickets are available on the HWC’s website beginning November 1.
In the early planning stages for 2025 are the club’s annual golf tournament fundraiser and its annual scholarship awards. For the first time in 2025, a professional development scholarship will be added to the four scholarships provided to graduating high school seniors.
This new scholarship is for adults to use for continuing education, conference attendance and/or purchase of textbooks and workbooks. Applicants must live within HWC boundaries (from Alder Creek to Government Camp) and show financial need. Applications for this scholarship will be accepted from June 1-August 31, 2025. The application form will be available on the HWC website.
With colder weather in the offing, HWC wants to remind Hoodland residents of its Community Fund to help individuals meet immediate physiological needs (biological requirements for human survival). Those requesting funds are asked to first request help from at least two other organizations before submitting a request to HWC. A community resources list is available on the HWC website referenced previously. Request forms are also available via this website and paper forms are available at the Hoodland Library, Hoodland Senior Center and Neighborhood Missions. Those who have questions or who need help completing the form can email
Members of the community who aren’t yet HWC members are invited to join via the club’s website. Dues are just $25 per year. Those who want more information before joining can also attend one of the club’s monthly meetings to learn more. Again, contact for details. The next meeting will be a potluck on Monday, November 4, at 6 p.m. at the Girl Scout Homestead Outdoor Program Center at 72180 US 25 in Rhododendron – the superintendent of the Oregon Trail School District will be the featured speaker.

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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher