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December 18, 2024 8:55 am

Letters to the publisher: Joe Korpela

Aug 1, 2024
a beautiful view of mount hood

By Joe Korpela
The Mountain Times

Hello, community
Thanks for burning all the debris in the school ball field. I especially enjoyed the part where this afternoon I drove by and saw two unattended small burn piles, one smoldering and the other with active flames near the edge of the forest. I walked over and not a soul around. You could find a better place to burn, and those are supposed to be attended. I called 911 and Hoodland Fire responded to put it out. Fire prevention? Really? Please do not do any more “fire prevention” events here. I doubt that it will happen, but somebody needs a big fine over that. Those should have been hosed down, soaked, and totally extinguished before anybody left. Kids play back there, people and pets walk through there. Great to leave an ignition source blazing away for somebody to just kick into the forest not 20 feet away and start a disaster. As far as I am concerned with that level of irresponsibility, lack of any common sense, and complete disregard for safety, lives, and property of the people that live up here, those that were responsible for operating and supervising this event are not welcome here.
Joe Korpela

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher