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Getting to the Point With Porcupines

By Clackamas Soil & Water District

Getting to the Point With Porcupines

From our friends at the Woodland Fish and Wildlife Group: we are happy to share with you “Porcupines in Managed Woodlands: Tools for Family Forestland Owners.” This publication introduces these prickly mammals and includes interesting facts about the species. The purpose is to help small woodland owners understand porcupines in Oregon and Washington forests, the dual role they play as both an important part of the ecosystem and a potential agricultural pest, and how to manage forests with porcupines in mind, as the mammals face an uncertain future.
“Porcupines in Managed Woodlands: Tools for Family Forestland Owners” provides background and context for better understanding the role managed forests play in providing habitat for porcupines. Important concepts covered in the publication include biological threats to porcupines, the tree damage they cause, and tools for management of the species.
The North American porcupine (Erithezon dorsatum) is the only species of porcupine found in the United States. It is also the largest species of porcupine in the world, weighing up to thirty-five pounds. They spend much of their time in trees and dine on bark and wood, but are also known to eat fruit, leaves, and buds.
To determine if the damage on a tree is from a porcupine or other forest animal, look at the teeth marks. Porcupines will leave teeth marks that are five millimeters wide and one inch long. Compare this to mountain beavers who leave much smaller teeth marks. It is also important to look for other clues like nearby dens or scat, because tooth marks alone can be tricky to discern.
This publication provides interesting information about this fascinating animal, as well as tips on managing and preventing damage. Porcupines are struggling to survive and need to be part of your forest management, not a species to eradicate.
Download Porcupines in Managed Woodlands: Tools for Family Forestland Owners at

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