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Mt. Hood Golf News

By Bradford Bixby

Mt. Hood Golf News

Welcome back, Dear Reader, to another edition of Fore, the column that embraces all golf and golfers at the foot of Mt. Hood. I just marshaled the Lions Club charity tournament played almost exclusively by local golfers. It was great to see our community coming together and having fun. Local restaurants sponsored two food and beverage stations, one with Mac and Cheese and pulled pork sliders and the other with Nathan’s hot dogs and a lovely frothy amber beverage. The Tito’s rep had a station set up by the patio. On top of all that, they had a musician for the post-tournament festivities. My congratulations to Dave Anderson and all the Lions Club members for putting on a fabulous event. I guarantee I will be playing next year although I must say as a marshall I ate and drank like a king. And like any good officer of the law I started with a couple of Joe’s donuts. What a great day.
This event reminded me of a tournament I played in Seattle. One of the biggest distributors in the city invited teams from all the top restaurants to his private country club where he put on the dog for us. I was a member of The Metropolitan Grill team. On our first hole they had a barbecue set up and we had salmon and Chardonnay. Sweet! The next hole had the Goldschlager girls – we had shots with them. Surprisingly they joined us! On the first par 3 there was a woman with a bunch of bottles of wine on a table. She said anyone who hits the green gets a bottle. I hit first and missed the green by ten feet. She squinted toward the hole and asked if I hit the green. I said “Uh yeah it’s about fifteen feet from the pin.” With a big smile she handed me a bottle. Nice! Amazingly, everyone in my foursome hit the green and walked with a bottle. The topper for the event was during the awards ceremony when the double doors were kicked open and two guys burst in, one on each arm of the totally wasted Goldschager girl. Her toes were literally dragging. Epic!
In club news, the men crowned their match play champion Ron Wood for the sixth time after he defeated Norberto Reyes. I will report on the other bracket winners when they have all finished their matches. Lastly, the Labor Day event was won by an exceptional team that played above their heads while ham-and-egging their way to victory. The team members were Augie Fiore, Vivian Fiore, Cathy Gulledge and yours truly. You can guess who was ham was and who the eggs were!
Well, that’s all I have room for this month except to remind you that right now as the season winds down is the perfect time to come on out and play a round. And when you do remember to “Hit ‘Em Straight.”

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