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March 6, 2025 7:01 am

Hoodland CPO

Feb 3, 2025
a beautiful view of mount hood

By Pat Erdenberger, Hoodland CPO, For The Mountain Times

We’re just a month away from March! For those of us who do not ski but instead tend our gardens, the nearness of Spring is always a joy.
Most of you know that the goal of the Hoodland Community Planning Organization (HCPO) is to bring County information to our Hoodland community and have a voice back to the County.
The CPO will hold another virtual meeting on February 20th via Zoom, the third Thursday of the month as usual, so that no one need travel too far at night in the cold weather.
Hoodland CPO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Speaker Topic: TBA
Time: Feb 20, 2025 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 890 1684 3731 and Passcode: 726644
The January 16th Zoom meeting, titled “Weathering Winter in Hoodland: Resources You Need and Support” was very successful. That success is owed entirely to the wonderful speakers, community members, and the planning efforts of Lisa Massena, Board Vice Chair. There are a wide variety of support systems run locally by volunteers. We heard from some of the local 501(c)(3) organizations and other volunteer groups, including: Steve Carlson, Neighborhood Missions; Neal Hatley, Ant Farm; Dave Hunt, National Association of Mental Health Orgs (NAMI), and Hoodland Women’s Club. Community Members also added their strong support for the Hoodland Library (potential warming shelter), the Church on the Mountain. (firewood ministry), the Senior Center (education and social support) and the Mt. Hood Corridor Wildfire Partnership (emergency support).
Do you have an interest in emergency communication? We speak to one another quite often in our mountain corridor about emergency evacuation and planning efforts. The power goes down, or there’s an earthquake affecting roads, a tree falls across a driveway, you have no cell service or internet. What will you do? To that end, Marti Bowne, Board Secretary and Chair, Land Use Planning Committee, outlined an effort we will be making to organize a voluntary radio communication group or club with members across the corridor using GMRS radios and repeaters. Some groups already exist here, but we need more people to be involved. For a small equipment cost and an hour or so of effort per month, we can join in the communication pyramid that runs up from your street to a HAMM radio operator to emergency services, or just to convey situational information. Please contact us at: if you are interested in more information or you are gung-ho to get this going.
On March 20 th 2025 the CPO is looking forward to hearing from Aaron Bayer, Superintendent, Oregon Trails School District.
“It Takes This Village”

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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher