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March 28, 2025 10:14 pm

Letters to the publisher: Pat Buckley & Ryk H

Jan 3, 2025
a beautiful view of mount hood

Many thanks to our dedicated Hoodland Fire Department volunteer firefighters, staff, board members and volunteer community members, who have protected our community.
We would all agree that a new Hoodland Fire main station would be a dream come true, but the reality is, voters can’t afford another tax.
Inflationary costs are up from 25% to 40% in all categories, impacting everyone’s budget. Many have to decide whether to buy food or pay the power bill. Over 9,817 power shutoffs have been conducted in Oregon for non-payment this year alone.
Property owners are already taxed at an estimated: 43% for school bonds, 34% for other County services, .2% for Sheriff’s Public Safety levy, and 22% for Hoodland Fire, which includes a new tax for two new positions and a Fire Patrol Tax and FP Surcharge.
Until voters’ pocketbooks recover, the Hoodland Fire Dept. board should tighten up their budgets and go back to the drawing board and incorporate citizen input, as well as strategize a 5-year phase one, two, and three plan to rebuild or remodel their existing location. The station needs to be located on Hwy 26 for visibility.
Possibly if the Fire Dept. board and taxpayers can weather out this inflationary storm crisis together, we will see the light of day down the road!
Pat Buckley
Ryk H
Electricity shutoffs for non-payment soar as utility costs increase in Oregon

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher