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March 7, 2025 9:22 pm

Mountain Profile: Joshua Frazier

Dec 2, 2024
Joshua Frazier takes a selfie

Place of Birth? Woodland Park Hospital in Portland.
How long on the Mountain? 45+ years.
If you were not brought here as a child, what brought you to the Mountain? My father was drawn to the Mountain for skiing, hiking and biking.
Profession? I own and operate Grounded Perspective, currently focused on underground utility install and site prep work and land management. This would be considered my day job.
Other professions? Owner of Grounded Perspective and Oregon Basecamp. My wife Kayla and I along with Wynn Berns ( Goodwynns) purchased the Old Fly Fishing Shop in 2021 and have been renovating it over the last few years. Currently we have overhauled the utilities in preparation for a food truck pod located behind the main building. I guess this would be classified as my night job!
Favorite movie? Bottle Rocket, the 1996 Owen Wilson Classic.
Favorite Actress/Actor? Our government is probably the most convincing, however Ty Burrell and Eric Stonestreet (Phil and Cam) from Modern Family are hilarious.
Favorite TV shows? Modern Family/ Ted Lasso/ Shrinking
Favorite book? Cosmetic Banditos.
Favorite type of music? Whatever’s on my Spotify playlist, love some Neil Young, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Beastie Boys. It should also be noted that anything with a slide guitar gives me the wiggles.
Favorite Food? Scratch made with love, anything that has been smoked. Meat that has been cooked violently. You know where I’m going with this, Skyway.
Favorite hobbies? I absolutely love the outdoors. Whatever I can do to get outside, hiking, skiing, mountain biking and swimming in the lakes. I’m not sure if you can consider drinking coffee a hobby but i’ll include it on my list anyways!
If offered a dream vacation, where would you go, and why? A few weeks island hopping in Japan is sounding pretty nice right now. Start off on the northern islands in search of epic powder skiing, then head south to the warmer waters for some toes in the sand.
Best lesson learned as a child? Ice cream can fix anything.
Defining moment in your life or your greatest accomplishment? Meeting my wife Kayla and becoming a father to our son Rojin. Both equally have driven me to accomplish more than I have ever imagined.
A memorable dinner? Ouli’s flipside Whistler Village 2001. We had just finished our summer coaching at Camp of Champions. Ken, the owner, loved to throw a party. It was a wild night with the most motley cast of characters. Other than the food being fantastic there are not a ton of details that I can recall. Maybe that’s what made it so epic.
A funny moment from your life that you can share? My backpack got stuck and I rode the bullwheel hanging by the straps at Mt. Baker on a pow day. Classic moment.
If you could invite anyone (past or present) to dinner, who would it be, and why? My Dad and my brother Nick. I miss them dearly and so much has happened that I would love to tell them about.
Describe yourself in one word? Loyal.
When you’re not reading The Mountain Times, what book/author/magazine/other do you read? Would the long term weather forecast count?
If your life were made into a play or movie, what would the title be? “Take a Walk in My Shoes”.
Pet peeve? People that think they know everything.
Bad habit you’d like to break? Thinking that I know everything.
Famous person(s) you have met, and the circumstances? Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thorton (AV Tech). Hooked up a DVD player in their room. Spent 4th of July with Roy Orbison Jr., and partied with Paris Hilton at the Roxy for Halloween.
Favorite quote? “The world tells you to stay in line but stepping out of line is often where true success begins.”
Favorite part of The Mountain Times? The Classifieds, Local News and the ViewFinder by Gary Randall

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher