to the Editor,
For a couple of decades I’ve put signs supporting my candidates of choice out in front of my home. Two weeks before this latest election someone took down the one for my pick for president. Clearly this person agreed with my choice of county commissioner since that sign was undisturbed.
It is tempting to jump on the vitriolic bandwagon and bad-mouth the people who supported a different candidate and somehow feel (and perhaps still feel) entitled to step on my First Amendment rights. But I’m not interested in perpetuating negativity and divisiveness. Citizens of any community – or country, for that matter – will never agree on all things, but it shouldn’t be too much to expect respect for others’ peacefully expressed opinions.
Lastly, I hope the person who took the sign truly understands that the small American flag that was taped to it is the flag for all Americans in this big, messy, beautiful and very imperfect country.
Laura Peterson
Letters to the publisher: Laura Peterson