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March 6, 2025 1:34 pm

Outreach Vehicle on Order for Sandy and Hoodland Public Libraries

Nov 4, 2024
a beautiful view of mount hood

By Dennis McNabb, The Mountain Times

In a time when print media is increasingly giving way to a myriad of digital platforms, our local libraries remain an essential resource in the dissemination of information — especially in rural areas where cell service and internet access are often unreliable. Library outreach vehicles (bookmobiles) in particular play a pivotal role in bringing books, digital resources and educational tools to underserved areas. While advancements in technology continue to revolutionize how we consume information, these vehicles ensure that people who live in remote areas still have access to all of the most vital information and community services libraries provide. Accordingly, we are very excited to announce that the Sandy and Hoodland Public Libraries have a brand-new outreach vehicle on order!
Sarah McIntyre, Library Director for both Sandy and Hoodland, could not be more enthusiastic. This is a project that is both near and dear to her heart and one that has been mired too long in development. She initially broached the subject with the City Council almost two full years ago. At that time, research was done, a make and model were decided upon and the entire endeavor was met with widespread approval. Unfortunately, between that time and when she was ready to place the order, the chosen vehicle had been retired from production. Even more discouraging, she could find no alternatives for less than twice the dollar amount of the original vehicle.
Adamant that this was a worthy cause, Sarah conducted further research and discovered a new model that would not only fulfill the project’s purpose as it was envisioned but also garner the support necessary for the council to approve the higher price tag. At the August 19th City Council meeting, approval was granted and the vehicle was ordered. That said, the Council did not approve a higher budget, leaving it up to the library to raise the additional capital. Since Farber Specialty Vehicles (the automotive outfitter hired for the project) estimates 18-24 months to complete the job, that gives the library just that long to raise over $160,000!
Sarah is hopeful that a portion of that cost will be covered by grants. She is already starting the process of applying for those, but requests the public’s assistance. Anyone who is passionate about the project is encouraged to submit letters of support and/or make donations directly to the program. Every little bit helps! And, in the coming months, Sarah also plans to administer a variety of community fundraising efforts. The public will be allowed every opportunity to both support and track the project’s status.
The vehicle itself is a marvel of modern engineering. In case you imagined this as nothing more than a glorified van capable of carrying only a few basic materials, think again. With enough room for five desks, computer equipment, printers, and 15 interchangeable shelves, this will literally be a mobile library. As such, they will have the capacity to provide access to computers, to teach computer classes, and to engage children in a variety of STEM activities, as well as lending the standard selection of books, DVDs, CDs, graphic novels and more. On certain visits the bus will be stocked with materials geared towards children, while on others it will be stocked for adults.
This is a fantastic opportunity for our local communities here on the mountain to gain access to both materials and technology that we may not otherwise have. Sarah is incredibly passionate about the project and committed to seeing it to fruition. With a little help from us, the people who will be benefiting from this endeavor, there is no doubt it will become one of the single greatest investments we’ve made. Make sure to visit the local library in person or online ( for more information.

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher