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February 5, 2025 6:43 am

Mt. Hood Lions Club: Mountain Roar

Aug 1, 2024
he lions club logo

By Lion, Milt Fox
The Mountain Times

Swimming Lessons!

This year’s Swimming Lessons program was a great success. We had 98 students registered and all made great gains in their swimming and water safety abilities, many swimming the length of the pool. All were presented with a special Gold Medal in recognition of their achievements. We thank Lion Aubrey Hatzi who was our Lead Instructor and a great crew of other instructors and lifeguards, including Lion Erin Midgett, Lion Katie Wirth, and Lion Ray Eagley, alongside Roni Meachum, Zia Thomason, Tanner Eagley, and Briton Martin. And we can’t forget the help of Lion Patti Buoy for her working with parents to get the registration and schedules coordinated, and to Lion Marlyne Casley for the daily registration. Thanks also to the seat warmers, Lions Dave Anderson, Craig Calvert, Milt Fox, Tyler Lehmann, and Dan Wolf, and finally to Lion David Buoy, our very cheerful and capable chairman. We owe a very special thank you to the dedicated staff members of Camp Arrah Wanna for their hospitality and the very generous discounted rate for the use of their fine swimming pool and locker room facilities. We certainly would not have been able to have completed this wonderful program without their generous help. We also appreciate the great community support of the fund-raising efforts needed for this project.

Chuckwagon Breakfast!

Thank you for attending our Chuckwagon Breakfast. We had a pretty good turnout, serving 476 over the two days. We had great food and many nice comments from our guests. Our dining room looked wonderful thanks to the talents of Lion Candice Kelly and her crew of decorators. Our Turkey Shoot, which is always a lot of fun, was very successful. We had offered ribs as a popular substitute this year, since there were no turkeys available. Lion Cari Gesch was our Breakfast Chairwoman and as always, she was helped by a great crew of Lions. New this year was our car show which proved to be very popular. We had 39 great cars on display over the two days. Additionally, we had vendors in our parking lot selling their wares. And oh, that wonderful ice cream from Chris Page and his great new ice cream trailer. Thanks go to Welches Mountain Building Supply, Welches Clackamas County Bank, The Whistle Stop Tavern, and Coffee House 26,for the sale of our tickets and to the Sandy Scout Troop for their hard work in the dining room. Special thanks go to Rob, John, and Calvin at Hoodland Thriftway for their generous discounts and donations.

Inaugural Ball

In recognition of all of the recent hard work by Lions members, Lion President David Anderson issued an executive order inviting all Lions to a Inaugural Ball & Tiki Party on Saturday, July 20th. Much fun was had by all attending, with a DJ and dancing, wonderful food, drinks, and tropical garb.

Charter Night

We celebrated the chartering of our club with a great steak dinner on July 24th. We learned a little about early club history and some of the community projects of our club.
Our club’s first “Charter Night” was held on July 28th, 1951, at the Zig Zag Inn some 73 years ago, with over 200 people present.

Mobile Health Clinic

We had to move the date of our “femforward” Mobile Health Clinic to Friday July 26th. I hope to be able to give a good report in next month’s column.

Coming up
Hood to Coast drive thru Burrito Breakfast, Friday August 23rd 4am to 10pm!
We are supporting the Hood to Coast event by having a drive thru Burrito Breakfast available for sale to race participants on Friday morning August 23rd. This Burrito Breakfast will also be available to the public. Hours are from 4:00 am until 10:00 am. Price at the door is $6.00.
Welches Charity Open Golf Tournament Saturday September 7th
We will be having a golf tournament in association with the Oregon Resort at the Mountain to benefit our community disaster relief fund. The cost is $100 per person for the tournament. The tournament will be a shotgun start scramble. Food and drink will be available throughout the course. Please contact Lion President Dave Anderson at 971-373-3869 if you would like to register or if you would like to be a sponsor. 8:30 am check in and start time will be at 10 am.
It’s great to be a Lion!

All material ©2008 -2023 The Mountain Times and may not be reproduced/distributed in any form without written permission from the publisher.
CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher