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December 5, 2024 2:52 pm

Classic Cars Go With Breakfast

Aug 1, 2024
a 1935 Packard coupe

By Ty Walker
The Mountain Times

Hot cakes and cars: the new classic on the Lions’ breakfast menu.
Nearly 500 people showed up for breakfast at the Mt. Hood Lions Club Chuckwagon Breakfast & Car Show the first weekend of July. The large crowds turned out for the club’s biggest fundraiser of the year despite the extreme heat.
“It went well,” new Lions President and six-year member David Anderson said. “Along with the breakfast, for the first time, we had 39 classic cars displayed. Mostly locals but people came up from Portland.”
This marked the first community pancake feed since its inception in 1958 to have a car show included on the menu. Diners had the opportunity to peruse old Packards, Chevys and Fords parked on the clubhouse lot in Welches while enjoying hotcakes, eggs and sausages. A prize for best in show was awarded, Anderson said
About 35 Lions volunteers, along with Boy Scout troops from Sandy lent a hand to raise money for the club’s general fund. The Lions Club is a service organization that supports local community projects and programs, such as swimming lessons for youth. Other programs include Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) for elementary schoolchildren, sight and hearing programs, and Christmas food and toy drives.
Mt. Hood Lions Club is the largest in the state with 119 members in all. The club has served the community for 73 years, since 1951.
The next event on the Lions Club calendar is the Burrito Drive-Through during the Hood To Coast relay race, which is set for 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23. The Lions also hold an annual golf tournament to raise money for disaster relief Sept 6-7 at the Oregon Resort at the Mountain. Cost is $100 per person for the shotgun start scramble format tournament.
Long-term plans are under way to turn clubhouse grounds into a demonstration garden and to teach orchard gardening and cooking classes.
The Mt. Hood Lions Club is located at 24730 E Woodsey Way, Welches.
For more information, phone 503-622-4111 or go online to

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CONTACT: Matthew Nelson, Editor/Publisher